Mop-Up Raw Recap & Review of the May 22 edition of WWF Raw (USA) by Chris Hyatte "Hyatte whats up, Well I have just read my last Mop-Ups ever. Not because of the content but because Scoopthis is the SLOWEST loading page on the entire internet. Later." Damn... I lost Skeet Slambone! Dammit all to HELL! Now I'm stuck with just Skeet Ulrich. How do I have ANYTHING to so with how the site loads? Why bitch to ME? And what IS it with me and slow loading sites anyway? [Ed: That quote is pretty ironic, because NoS had already asked for this week's mop-ups to be uncut. We have no idea why our servers are so slow lately, so for this week and this week only, the mop-ups will be single-paged! HALLELUJA! UNLEASH THE LLAMAS!] I am Chris and this is the Mop-Up. Unfortunately, now Skeet-Free. Let's all just try to make the best of it and make do. "Lord knows if it's on the Internet, it's GOT to be true!" Shawn Michaels, at the PPV Sunday. See?? WHO REFERENCED STc BEFORE I CAME ALONG??? NOBODY!!!!! DON'T TELL ME I AIN'T DRAWING ATTENTION!!!!!!! Can NoS sue for copyright infringement? I heard Michael Buffer gets paid every time someone riffs on his "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" phrase. At least LOOK into it. [Ed: Or we can just pull an Isaacs and ask the readers to email the WWF and tell them we rule and they suck... and/or that after 3 years of promoting their asses at the expense of serious sponsorship, acknowledging us by name would be nice!] Okay, for a change of pace, I did the entire Nitro portion first, closer included... and my GOD... it turned out to be LONG. So I have no choice but to make the RAW column FLY... openers included... starting right NOW: Slow week wrestling wise. Flair had some health problems which may or may not be a work... that's the price WCW has to pay when they blur the lines of reality so severely. There was also a very brief "thing" between Dave Scherer and Dave Meltzer that really is too minor to comment on. Let's just jump into some quick TV notes... I watched the second part of the "Jesus" mini-series and I have to say something... My favorite scene is where he picks his Apostles to join him one by one, right? They all come to him as he calls. All of them wearing basically the same white outfit. Except for Judas. He's wearing black. Jeepers... why not just reach into our living rooms and hit us over the heads with a symbolic hammer the next time around. Another brilliant season of the "Simpsons" ended on Sunday. Do you have any idea how RARE it is for a series to be so consistently good for so many years? Unlike "E.R." which has really jumped the shark since Clooney left. Unfortunately, "Buffy" wrapped up her major story line a week early, and quite poorly too. I really wasn't expecting Josh Wedon (sp??) to match the "Evil Angel" storyline or the "Mayor/Faith" arc from the last two seasons... but come ON dude... to rip off the "Matrix" for a big climax?? I expected a little MORE from that crew! All in all, it was a pretty uneven season for them. Although "Angel" rocked, overall. I haven't decided if I want to do that Short Story contest yet, I'll decide by next week. But do NOT assume to know what the contest will be and submit something. One nitwit sent me a Parody News Story because he thought he would get a head start on everyone. He's automatically disqualified for wasting my time and presuming to know what's in my head. Be smart and WAIT for my say so. That's it. I'm not kidding. The Nitro recap is totally packed up. It's a Monster. Usually, it's the other way around; thus, RAW will be quick and sharp. In and out is the name of the game this week. You don't like it? I don't care. I got the girl coming over tonight. I have a toilet to clean and nosehairs to yank out. RAW IS WAR: (or: Being "Dead" does not affect the appetite) -Nitro was too busy wrapping up for me to see how Chuck Norris kicked ass and touched lives this week. It's safe to just assume that asses WERE kicked and lives WERE touched. -WWF: 1 World. Unless there is another Earth that is always on the other side of the Sun from us? -opening theme. -Fireworks, fans, signs... in that order. Brief glimpse of a sign that says "CHRIS (something) GOD" (aww, no I'm not, but it's sweet of you to say) -Jim Ross welcomes us to the show... and announces that last night was RIDDLED with controversy. The Undertaker is APPARENTLY back and HBK totally fouled up his assignment. Sounds like business as usual to me. -We kick things with the entrance of Vincent K. (The wig is gonna earn it's keep TONIGHT, by God) McMahon. He walks with a swagger of arrogant confidence... or is that incontinence? -Vince enters the ring and grabs the mic. Ross goes right for quality control by selling last night's apparent main event finish-after-time-ran-out as INTENTIONAL!!! Then called the Internet scribes who whined about the screw up as a bunch of "Pinko Hosebags". -What does Vince have to say? Well, he said that "Judgment Day" is defined in the Biblical sense as "The World Coming to an End", and for many WWF Superstars... the World DID end. (eh... Bischoff'll take them) -Vince continued that Judgment Day was a day where some big, giant, deity would "judge" Human beings on the way we live our lives... whereas we will be rewarded, or punished! (Which explains why Patterson wasn't anywhere NEAR the show). -The crowd called Vince and "Asshole". Jim Ross actually used the word. You know... Lucy wasn't even allowed to say she was "pregnant"! THIS IS NOT PROGRESS DAMMIT!!!!! -Vince claimed that whomever "judged" the McMahon/Helmsley Regime judged them kindly, and rewarded them in turn. The he boasted about a huge post-show party he threw for his little tribe. -Vince bragged about how everyone in his outfit won last night... particularly focusing on how his Son single handily took out the Big Show. -he accused the Rock of "using" the Undertaker to try to retain his title. To no avail. -About the Undertaker, Vince claimed that he had no business showing up last night, and that the UT has WALKED AWAY from his contract some months ago... so he was not officially a WWF Employee. Thus, should he show up again TONIGHT... we will be arrested and summarily incarcerated. -Then he turned his attention towards the Rock. Vince wasn't sure if the Rock had the HUMILITY to show up tonight, seeing how he took a bitchslapping from Whitey! However, should Rocky show up... he will be treated to a special main event match where he shall work against HHH, X-Pac, Road Dogg, AND Shane McMahon. (Ross, "That... that's FOUR PEOPLE!!!!" Thanks for the Math lesson, Jimbo!!) -Vince summed it up by saying that the Rock was beaten within an inch of his life last night... so tonight, they just finish the job. -Vince walked off. That big, beefy, MUCHO sexy Security Head was busy in the corner, Mad Dogging any Mark who thought about throwing something squishy at Vince. AntiChrist or not... Dillenger looks like a useless BITCH next to this kid. -Vince swaggered off... he couldn't have been happier if Ted Turner just handed him ownership of WCW. -JR and Lawler get camera time, the recap the PPV briefly for you cheap pricks. As if you needed to eat this week... you could've lived quite nicely on a water diet... knock some of that fat off too. Look at you, you should be ashamed of yourself. -Lawler seems to be wearing a sportscoat over his bare torso! Memphis upbringing aside, I never figured HIM for White Trash. -Still photos of the main event. Did HBK see the Undertaker chokeslam HHH while the hour was still in effect? Or did he SCREW the Rock by DQing him AFTER the clock ran out? And why is he yanking our collective roots by sort of insinuating that he maybe/possibly be involved deep enough where he might actually work again? -Meanwhile, backstage... Vince started to walk very quickly... he looks like me when I am fighting like crazy to keep from pooping my pants! (You know what I'm talking about... that's the very definition of a "race against time") -Suddenly, the Rock was behind Vince. The crowd popped. He snuck up on Vince. -POW... CRASH... SIS... BOOM... BAH -Rocky whales on Vince. Wails on him too. He does NOT wale on him, however. -AND NOT A HAIR IS BUDGED OUT OF PLACE!!!!! MY GOD!!! THEY CAN CREATE HAIR LIKE THAT BUT A CURE FOR CANCER STILL ELUDES THEM!!!! -Vince is on his knees, begging Rocky not to hit him with a Garbage lid. Rocky thinks it over, drops the lid, picks up a garbage can, and hits Vince with that instead. -The Rock throws Vince into his Limo, and tells the driver to "get this asshole out of here". -Vince sticks his head out of his window and starts bitching at the Rock for his audacity. Rocky looks at him. Grabs another garbage lid and whacks Vince with it. Vince waits a perfect beat, then slips back inside the car... which takes off. I haven't laughed so hard since Austin popped him with the Bedpan. -commercials. -We are notified that they are in Indianapolis. At the "Conseco Fieldhouse", I know I said this the last time one of the shows played to this arena but... WHO THE FRIG NAMED AN ENTIRE BUILDING AFTER JOSE CONSECO?????? -oh, I love that line... BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA -moments ago... Vince got what for. -The Rock was now in the parking lot, he is in pickoff mode tonight. I, coincidentally, seem to be in "pickass" mode tonight... I will smear my finger across my screen, you smell yours and see if you can tell what I had for Lunch. -T & A came out with Trish Stratus... I refuse to believe that is her birth name. -Trish is on the mic and goofs on the Hardy Boyz penchant for attracting the teeny boppers. Trish, being a full woman, is not impressed. So she'll let Test and Albert give them the once over and we'll see how... hard... they really are. -If Trish's vag had razor sharp teeth with a taste for flesh... I'd STILL DO HER!!! -Aww... now I feel guilty. No, I wouldn't do her. I'm staying true to my new light. -The Hardy Kids come out. They rush the ring and quickly get it going. -Teamwork keeps Test off balance. Until Trish grabbed an ankle and Albert followed with a clothesline. I trust your imaginations to piece that together. -Albert picked Jeff (possibly Matt) by the legs and spun him around. Ross claimed to have not seen that in years. Has Mero been gone THAT long? -Naturally, Albert was just as dizzy as the Hardy. Old School hijacks. -Matt (Jeff?) gave T & A a double DDT. Torrie Wilson spreading for Horace is more realistic. -The Hardys launch an offensive with a pair of leaps over the top rope. Ross called them "Suicidal Leaps" Silly Okie... he should know better. Of course, they are called "Non Springboard Enziguri Mahatmacoat Flaming Pits of Hell Dives" (open your mouth and ACCEPT IT!!) -Trish took a swing at... one of them. He caught her and shoved her down on her ass. She bounced right back up without using her arms or legs... I WANT THAT!!!!!! -She shoved Matt into the steps. The Ref bitched... she pleaded innocent. Ross, "Oh yeah, I've never TOUCHED T & A!" Lawler, "I've heard that about you!" -A Test elbow on Jeff gave Albert the pin. The girl is doing WONDERS for these two boys. Test always had potential,. but Albert really needed that extra "ingredient", now they are both cooking. -Rocky is still waiting. -Chyna will be on "3rd Rock" tonight. "Homicide" they canceled but this show keeps rolling on and on. -3 race car drivers are in the house. Why would someone with the last name of "Boat" make a living driving CARS? -Eddie Guerrero came out with Vietnamya (I always wanted to try that one). -D-Lo comes out. Ross says he's going through a fresh push where he wants to attract attention from the right people. My guess is that he's still paying from the Droz incident. -Ross says that D-Lo is "quicker than a hiccup". Read between the lines, people. What is the only surefire way to cure hiccups? By inducing vomiting. What was Droz able to do on command? Vomit. D-LO IS STILL IN THE DOGHOUSE!!!! ROSS AIN'T IN A FORGIVING MOOD!!!!!!!! -D-Lo did a SWEET bouncing Moonsault from the second rope that simply FLOWED. Eddie ducked, of course -D-Lo hit the "Low Down" and things looked promising when... -The Godfather came out with a team of H... Ladies. D-Lo stared at him. Eddie was up in a flash. A Hurracarana later and it was all over. GF ran in and this pointless feud progressed. -A Limo pulled up. Gerald Brisco ran out to meet Road Dogg, X-Pac and Torrie, who all stepped out. Brisco tried to explain what happened to Vince when... -Rocky snuck up from behind with a pipe and whacked Road Dogg in the back. He also whacked X-Pac hard in the face (awesome sell... looked so BAD) Rocky threw them into a WWF Trailer truck and laid them out inside. The door went down. That's the last time we saw those two until the last 5 minutes of the broadcast. -commercials -a replay of Rocky's recent rampage that really rocked Regeneration Rex right to there rery roundations. -Redge... I mean Edge comes out with Christian and Kurt Angle. Lillian Garcia said that their combined weight was "692" pounds. Oh, she's making that up! -Angle was wearing an Reggie Miller Jersey. Whew... for a minute there, I thought he WAS Reggie Miller. -Angle was on the stick and announced that the Knicks would take out the Pacers and go to the NBA finals... It's true, it's true!! -Christian got on the stick and said that Indiana was famous for two things... It's rich, storied history and choking! Then he ragged on Bobby Knight (who, apparently, OWNS the Goddam state) and the Pacers. -Edge got on the stick and said that they had a very special pose for Indiana... which was of him choaking Christian. Good stuff. -Rikishi and Too Cool came out. This is a rematch from last night. Which begs the question... WHY ORDER THE PAY PER VIEW ANYWAY?????? I HAVEN'T BEEN THIS OUTRAGED SINCE NITRO RE-RAN GOLDBERG VS PAGE!!!!! I WANT MY MONEY BACK DAMMIT!!! AND I WANT IT BACK NOW!!!!!!!! -ahh... screw it. -Things got going with Christian and Angle fighting Too Cool outside while Rikishi dealt with Edge inside. The Edge took off and Rikishi worked on Angle. Angle had an ass smack into him and HE was out. Edge was back in and he took the whole buffet. -Then everything reversed itself and Too Cool worked on Christian inside, try as Scotty did to help sell GM Sexay's (ugh) Flying legdrop, it just doesn't have the "panache" of the whole "Worm" sequence. -2 Hotty went for his "Worm", but Edge caught him with his tag title belt. Scotty went down. Angle cradled him and won it. if they danced, we didn't see it because... -The Rock was backstage... methodical in his quest. -commercials -Shane McMahon has arrived. Brisco meets him and tries to update the kid on the current situation. Shane blew him off. Life SUCKS without Patterson! -so does the Mop-Ups. -Shane heads directly to the ring. He's a happy kid. -He hits the ring and mocks the Chokeslam. He's there to boast about his victory. -Which he did, in the form of poetry which is almost as weak as Scotty Steiner's best effort. "Eeny, Meenie, Miney, Mo... who's afraid of the Big Bad Show? Blah, blah, blah... my black foot up yo' white ass. (Where did I pull THAT from?) -The fans called Shane a "pussy". Odd... I don't remember hearing Shane EVER rag on Wrestleline? -Shane told the crowd that he should NOT be called what they were calling him. Instead, he would like to be called "Shane McMahon: The Giant Killer"! (Well, until Nash comes back and finishes the job he started in WCW) -Along with "The Giant Killer", you are allowed to refer to Shane also as... "The King of Stink". -Finally, Shane assured us that if TBS showed his face there tonight, history would indeed repeat itself. (It's nice when your resident Big Man has no problems jobbing his career away, isn't it?) -Shane's music kicked up. Things were wrapping up when... -Rocky's music came on and Rocky came out. Shane stayed in the ring, looking nervous. -The Rock entered the ring, Shane tried to assure him that Rocky has his angles confused. -Rocky never stopped. He just marched over to Shane and plugged him square in the mush. Shane ended up out of the ring, then ended up head over heels over the railing. They fought through the seats, up to an exit, out of said exit, and away from camera view. Which, set us all up for another round of... -commercials -footage of what just happened. -Chris Benoit came out. How much of a badass did HE get put over as Sunday night? -Val Venis came out. No more towel for him. His career took the biggest hit after Russo bailed. -This is for the title belt. Then Inter-Continental title belt. I have no clue why I felt the need to remind you of this. -Venis fought like a MAN POSSESSED!! Oh, I'm lying. -Val DID take control early. So much so that Benoit had to uncharacteristically jump out of the ring. Ross called him a GUTLESS CANADIAN COWARD!!! (isn't that an oxymoron?) -Val took it back inside, but Benoit fought back. Now irony reared it's ugly head as Val re-took control by tossing Benoit OUT of the ring. -They continued to fight, and it was a decent match. -Val performed a variation of a powerbomb. Ross declared him the new champ before the Ref's hand hit the mat twice. (Hey pal... only VINCE can get away with that!!!) -Val climbed the corner ropes. Benoit pushed the Ref into the ropes which initiated the "Val-Sits-Down-Hard-And-Crotches-Himself" move. -Benoit followed that with a Superplex. -Then Hardcore Holly walked in with a chair and cranked Benoit. Benoit won by DQ. Hardcore chaired Val too. -Y2J's ticker. Y2J's explosion. Y2J's theme. -Hardcore ain't no fool. He faced the entrance way, ready to chair himself some hippie freak. -Jericho was behind him with his own chair. Holly turned around and ate one square on the melon. He dropped down. -Jericho proceeded to have an extended conversation with the crowd. -we see what just happened. It was THAT gosh darned exciting. -backstage, Brisco was awaiting HHH and his wife. -commercials -The Dudley's come out and we are 8 minutes into the second hour. -Bull Buchanon and the Big Bossman come out. It's a straight up tag match. -Who says the Bossman draws zero heat? The crowd treated him to a round of "BOSSMAN SUCKS!" He reacted accordingly. -No tables. Just a 3D and a clean win. You really need all the details to a Bossman/Buchanon match? -Brisco was still waiting. -Crash Holly stormed into the APA "Office"... then hit the door and knocked fast. THEN stormed in. -Someone wrote "Almost Done" under the APA sign. Who's jumping? -Crash went up to them and started to rapid fire whine about how they were paid good money to watch his napping ass and protect his Hardcore title reign... and they FAILED -Slow zoom to Bradshaw, staring at Crash with a big cigar hanging south in his mouth. Crowd laughs. Hell, I laughed too. -Slow zoom to Faarooq, holding a cigar in his hand (could've passed for a pecker) and dropping his own reaction shot. -Faarooq tried to calm the youngster by giving him a Lollipop. Crash broke it and demanded his money back. -Crash took a beer and poured it over Bradshaw's head. He took off. Bradshaw calmly got up and went after him. Faarooq reminded him that Crash is just a kid. Nice sketch. -commercials. -Backstage, Brisco had HHH over a cell phone, but lost him to static. Furiously, he destroyed the phone. Blind bastard, IT WAS A CALCULATOR!!!! -Crash Holly. Bradshaw. Hardcore match. It wasn't even close. -HHH and Stephanie finally arrived. Brisco caught them and started to ramble! -commercials -In the dressing room. Brisco ran down the night's events, as it pertained to the Rock. HHH promised to deal with Rocky once and for all. They all leave. Rocky appeared from the shadows of the background. The hunted is now the hunter! -Very important still shots from the main event. -a pre-taped interview between Shawn Michaels and Michael Cole. Cole started to ease his way into BLATANT ACCUSATIONS OF BIASED OFFICIATING!! MY GOD, HBK IS STILL AS SELF SERVING AS EVER!!!!!!!! -HBK stopped Cole mid-ease and told him and us that he is only human and he did the best job he possibly could, and quite frankly... we can go F-ourselves for even CONTEMPLATING trickery on his part. -HBK said that from out of the ring, he saw the UT interfere on behalf of the Rock. That STILL qualifies as a DQ Dammit!!! -HBK is sick of people like Michael Cole and we fans for... and this qualifies as a bonafide contender for LINE OF THE YEAR... - "I'm getting sick and tired of people like YOU, always coming down on me, every time I'm asked to do a Job!" -*spittake* -How DARE HE!!! How DARE he!! The NERVE!!! The NERVE!!! -OH... he is such a cocky prick. OH he is such a wiseass. -"Oh, I'd rather fake a Nightclub fight rather than hand the IC belt to Shane Douglas." -basically, this served as HBK's excuse to vanish for a few more months... I guess. Being pissed at the fans for not trusting him. After all these years. -The Godfather and Essa Rios were enjoying some Ho... Ladies. Lita wasn't too thrilled. Suddenly, SHE'S hot all of the sudden. -commercials -HHH and Stephanie were in a fit of paranoia. Get off the POT, kids. -The Godfather and Essa Rios took on Saturn and... well Saturn. Malenko was offered some ladies in exchange for walking away and he took them. -Lita enacted revenge on her Husband by shoving him off the ropes and face first into the top corner. Saturn scored the pin. I thought Mexicans shot Wives who F-ed with their Hubby's "S" like that? -Rios spat out a MONSTER tooth t'boot. Looked like a molar. -I'm sorry, but I have to take this home. I also have to seriously reconsider my pacing. -commercials -Rocky came out. He milked the crowd a little, then got right down to business. -First, he discussed everything that HHH "brought" to the main event last night. Various male McMahons, X-Pac, Road Dogg, and a certain $2 Slut of a Wife. -Even though they tore the roof off the dump last night (except for the 20minutesleepherholdthatendedupworkingontheentiref-ingaudience), Even though HHH gave Rocky everything he had... Rocky gave it back. In the end, HHH was unable to finally BEAT the Rock. -The Rock promises to get the belt back. -The Rock said that the Undertaker's return was a GOOD thing... but at the wrong TIME. He returned during the Rock's time. That is apparently a No No. -He announced that Vice is currently riding down "Justgotyourasskicked BLVD". Lawler seemed surprised that it was in Indiana. Ross said the street was "paved with knuckles" (weak... WEAK) -After what the Rock did to X-Pac and Road Dogg. they are probably somewhere in the back, "sucking it with each other" (DEAR GOD!!!!! THERE IS NO PROPER TIME TO HEAR THAT!!!! ) -Ross, "Sucking WHAT?" -And of course... Shane McMahon has "left the building" -So, in conclusion. What was once booked as "4 on 1" is now "1 on 1", so why doesn't HHH get out there and they give the fans a thrill for the 5 minutes or so left in the show? -After a moment or two... HHH and Stephanie came out. Hunter had a stick. It's HIS turn to talk. -HHH started his rebuttal, pausing to admonish the fans who were chanting "SLUT" -"I am in no mood for your crap so SHUT IT!!!" (when will anyone realize that this never works?) -HHH admitted that both of them took it to their limits for an hour and they brought the House down and blah, blah, blah... -BUT... HHH claimed that he "felt the Rock's energy seep out towards the end while he was ready to go another hour Dammit!" -The plain truth is... who has the belt and who doesn't? That IS what it's all about. -AND NOW... he is the "un-dee-sputed" WWF champion (zero sense. Not a damn drop did that make. Why like Yoda am I speaking?) -And WHY? Because Triple H IS the "GAAME-AA" and Triple H "IS THAT..." ("Damn good" finished the crowd... much to everyone's surprise.) -The Rock put the mic to his lips. Stuck his hand out. Paused. And said, "just... bring it!" -HHH brought it. They fed the drama by not rushing into it. -They went at it. -For about 3 seconds when EVERYONE Rocky attacked that night showed up and it was a gang up! -Even Vince came down... leaning heavily on the shoulder of Brisco. -Rocky gave Vince the Rock Bottom... but there were too many. -WHO IS GOING TO SAVE ROCKY????? WHERE THE HELL IS AUSTIN???? -Those little girls showed up on camera. Did they hire Sting? -The UNDERTAKER RIDES IN ON HIS MOTORCYCLE??? HE'S HERE TO SAVE THE D..." -Oh... it was just the video. Fooled me. -HHH stayed on Rocky as everyone else waited for UT to come out. -UT came out on a Motorcycle. Could it be a Titan Motorcycle? Or one of those pussy ass Harleys? -The return of the Undertaker is being brought to us by the new Kid Rock CD. We almost bitched about him being on Nitro, now watch as the Internet proudly does a complete about face and CHEER his RAW spot next week. The Internet: Hypocrites and damn proud of it! -UT comes to a stop and gets off the bike. He makes his way to the ring. -Of all the people... X-PAC GOES AFTER HIM FIRST??? Moron. -and down he goes. -Road Dogg... yeah right. -Shane? Big Boot. -Brisco? Uh uh. -Vince goes last. The man takes more bumps than Flair. -Having cleaned the house properly, UT hops back on his bike and rolls down the ramp, around the ring, and back up the ramp. Kind of corny, to be honest. -Meanwhile, HHH has the steel steps in the ring and is about to Pedigree Rocky on top of them. Rocky backdrops outs of it. -They go outside. HHH hits Rocky with the bell. Rocky is staggered. -HHH gets Rocky on the Announce table. He sets up another Pedigree. -Rocky gets out of it and Rock Bottom's HHH into the table. That pretty much kills this thing. -The rest of the show is about HHH being knocked out and Rocky having one HELL of a time getting his wrist out of his shirt cuff. It was actually quite funny. Not to the show's director, or course... who gave Rocky his dignity by getting the camera on HHH. -The show ended. Good show. Tight, funny, action packed. Solid stuff. This might have been the shortest RAW recap I've ever written since the early days. TRUST me... all the sick, nasty stuff is wedged into the Nitro column. I PROMISE. I'll have all this straightened out by next week. Even though I do NOT apologize for producing epic columns like a madman. Screw YOU!! You little PRICKS!!!!! NAME ME ANYONE ELSE WHO PUTS SO MUCH EFFORT INTO HIS WORK SO THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE???? IN CASE YOU FORGOT, I'M DOING THIS FOR FREE!!!!! JUST FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!!!!! Remember that next time you start bitching. A-Holes.